Start making plans for your 35th year reunion
October 20 - 23, 2011
Call your friends and mark your calendar!
This is your chance to reconnect with old classmates from the class of 1976. Come to our 35th anniversity Reunion October 20-23, 2011! The 1976 class party will provide a wonderful opportunity to catch up with old friends, socialize, and re-live your college days! Come ready to have a great time at your 35th year class reunion!
It does not seem possible that it has been 35 years since we received our degrees from Gallaudet University. We will celebrate our 35th Class of 76 reunion weekend on October 20-23, 2011 at the Gally campus. Most activities will be on October 21-22 according to the schedule the reunion committee worked out. Details on the Saturday evening dinner for 76ers will be coming soon. The dinner will be a blast and a great time to get together! Don't miss this opportunity to add more Gally memories.
The schedule of events:
- Thursday, October 20, 2011: Anyone arriving can make their own plans
- Friday morning, October 21, 2011: Gallaudet will have a history tour we can join
- Please check Gally Homecoming events: Campus Tour, Pep Rally, Pre-Game Bash and other activities
- Friday evening, October 21, 2011:
7pm: Pep Rally in the Field House
8pm - 1am: Pre-Game Bash at Peikoff Alumni House, Upper level
- Saturday, October 22, 2011
11:15am: Class Group Photo at Chapel Hall steps
12:30pm: Meets in front of Bison Statue at Field House for Class Parade. Bring your 1976 shirts if they still fit or use the denim shirt from our 25th anniversary
5:30pm: 35th Anniversary Reunion Dinner at Sorenson Language and Communication Center (SLCC) Atrium
- After dinner -- after glow party; H Street Country Club at 1335 H Street NE, Washington DC
- Sunday morning October 23, 2011: Anyone can make their own plans
If you wish to pay by check, visit and print this registration form you can mail with your check. Mail forms and check/money order payment to:
Don Ames
Banquet Registration
5902 Ridge Ford Drive
Burke, VA 22015-3645
We will send you a confirmation email once we receive and process your payments. You are required to present your drivers license or State Accepted ID card to pick up your badge at the registration booth.
NOTE: A refund of fees for $5 processing fee will be made on written request at lowenv@yahoo.com.
Request for refund must be received prior to September 30th, 2011. No cancellations will be accepted after September 30, 2011.
Gallaudet Reunion Weekend Schedule of Events Reconnect with your friends and classmates at the GU Alumni Open, the Friday night party, campus tours, sport events and banquets during Reunion Weekend.
Look for more information about your reunion throughout the year on this web site and in the mail.
Biography Form Be sure to fill out your Biography Form and let your fellow classmates know what you have been doing since graduation. All forms will be compiled into a 1976 Biography Book. Deadline: October 1, 2011
Spread the Word Your class reunion committee needs help spreading the word to fellow classmates about the upcoming reunion. Search the e-mail directory for e-mail addresses. Or, if you need contact information for a specific classmate, contact the Alumni House at (202) 651-5060 TTY/V.
1976 Reunion Committee Members Ashton Dunbar Don Ames Cindy (Knox) Burton Teddy Clemons Roy Collins Nancy K Cowles Vicki Lowen Renee Suiter Robert Weinstock
Please click on Invite to Join for membership in the Gallaudet Alumni Class of 1976 Facebook site. Also, encourage our classmates you know are not on the FB site to join. Pass the news of our Facebook site on to other 76ers!
Please check to verify if your email address is correct. If not, please update your email address.
Join the discussion The 1976 Forum is an online message board where you can read, respond to and post messages with your former classmates via discussion threads. Join our discussion!
Let's show our Flyer Pride! Why can't we establish a new endowment Fund to provide the support for specific one in honor of Class of 1976 Spirit? Contact Gallaudet Development Office for more detailed information regarding the establishment of our own endowed fund. Maybe we, the Class of 1976 can create a class giving goal of 30% participation and $160,000. If we each do our part, we can achieve these goals. Alumni support has helped GU achieve a place as a top Alumni Class Organization. Even more important, our support helps ensure that today?s students will have the same power student experience that we had.
You can make your class reunion gift TODAY by logging on to https://support.gallaudet.edu/gift/index.cfm.
Click here to see how we are progressing toward our goals.(Not available)
Gallaudet Class of 76 Alumnus Do you know a GU alumnus who started college with the class of 1976, but for whatever reason, didn't graduate with you? Pass this web site link on to them! GU alumni from all class years are invited to attend any or all of the Reunion Weekend festivities, regardless of their official graduation year. However, they are probably not getting our mailings or emails, so spread the word? (If we can add names and addresses GUAA may have, we will find out after Bob talks with Abby Drake about an e-mail to the 76ers GUAA may have. Of course, do not mention this on the website). All alumni are invited to Reunion Weekend 2011!
What was happening the year you graduated? Take a trip back in time
What do you remember about GU? Read memories by searching for your friends on the e-mail directory.
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Gallaudet Bison Football Game |
October 22, 2011 at 1:00pm |